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Cavalier September 1972

Cavalier September 1972

Cavalier September 1972

Cavalier September 1972
English | JPG | 14 Scans | 20.7 MB

Inside Those Scans Of Vintage Porn Magazine Cavalier September 1972 You Will Found:

Her friends call her “Dune Buggy Donna,” strangers call her fantastic, and her parents think she’s nuts. Why would a girl with so many attributes, both physical and mental, spend her time careening through the sand dunes under a blistering desert sun just for the sheer pleasure of it? “Because I love it, it’s as simple as that,” Donna replies. “I like the speed, the desert, the heat, and most of all, the great sense of freedom I get when I’m all by myself with nothing but miles and miles of desert around rue.”

Doesn’t she worry about what the sand and sun and wind might do to her skin? “I don’t let things like surface beauty worry me very much. I think beauty is something that comes from inside, and the sand and wind can’t possibly do anything to real beauty, the interior kind. Besides, the kind of guys I really dig like me because I don’t spend all of my time in front of a mirror. There are many more pleas-ant ways to while away the days than painting your eyelashes.”

Does she consider herself a truly liberated woman? “I was liberated a long time before women’s lib came along. No radical organization can liberate women until they liberate themselves from the inside. I learned early in life that I could do just about anything my brothers could do .. . well, almost, and that included fixing cars!”

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